Van shelving that works around your Festool collection
Van shelving that works around your Festool collection
bott Smartvan integrates your Festool equipment directly into the racking system on guide rails specifically designed for Sys3 cases. Guide rails and case holders are also available for older generations of systainer and other non-systainer tool boxes, so you can store and transport any tool.

Work flows change from job site to job site; bott Smartvan adapts with you.
Work flows change from job site to job site; bott Smartvan adapts with you.
Whether you get a new tool, start a big project that requires a different work flow, or just want to change things around a bit, all bott Smartvan accessories can be moved around, added, and taken away to fit around your work.

What are the advantages of using bott Smartvan?
No need to worry about replacing lost or damaged goods as everything is securely stored and organized. The lightweight steel is also great for fuel and EV battery efficiency.
Wide range of accessories allows for all tools to be easily accessible, secure, and visible with all products at your fingertips.
No drilling required. Designed for seamless compatibility with your exact model.
Innovative storage design specifically tailored to make sure every inch of space is properly utilized without sacrificing precious space in the center aisle.
This modular van shelving system can be easily rearranged, and accessories readjusted at any time to properly suit your business and work flow.
Lightweight yet sturdy enough to properly secure your items. Crash tested to European standard ECE-R17.